Home 9 Health & Wellness 9 Mental Health 9 PTSD 9 My PTSD Story #1 – I Was Terrorized by A Masked Man and Nearly Kidnapped

Trigger warning: mentions of violence towards a child. 

This is just one of my PTSD stories – the trauma related events that led to me living with complex post traumatic disorder.

You may be wondering what place it has on a blog dedicated to happiness.  I am including it here because I really want people to know that they can find happiness, despite life’s trials. And I want to share the resources I have foudn helpful as I navigate trauma. 

Here’s the story…

I don’t recall my exact age when this traumatic event happened, but I believe I was around 12 years old.

It had just gotten dark and that made me nervous. A friend and I wanted to see each other. I decided to face my fears and walk to her house anyway.

Halfway down my street, I approached a big pine tree. That tree always made me apprehensive. I hated how it blocked my view. I certainly could not know if there was something, or someone, waiting on the other side of the tree. 

Now walking past in the dark especially scared me. I held my breath and wished for the best. After all, nothing bad had ever really happened when I walked past it before.

“Why should today be any different? I told myself.

I passed the tree and was about to sigh in relief when I heard footsteps directly behind me. 

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw a masked man. He was dressed in all black. He wanted to be hidden. 

Fear rushed through my body.

I quickened my pace. So did he.

I began to run and he chased after me.

The first house I came to was dark. I would find no help there.

The second house looked promising. Their kitchen light was on and the blinds were open. Their kitchen overlooked the porch. I hoped someone was there in the kitchen, perhaps eating dinner. 

“Please, someone, be in the kitchen. Please be in the kitchen.” I thought as I ran across their lawn.


I arrived on the porch to the view of an empty kitchen. I rang the doorbell and began frantically banging on the door.

The man was now directly behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck. His hands began to curl around my shoulders.

“This is it. I’m being kidnapped!” 

Perhaps sexually assaulted. Or even killed!

I was terrified.

But just then, my neighbor walked into the kitchen. However, he was looking at the floor as he walked. I screamed (silently, I think). “Look up! Look up!” 

The would-be kidnapper saw him. He jumped off of the porch and ran into the backyard. I was saved just in time.


I began having recurring nightmares about being kidnapped. I began to have a lot for fear of walking places. I began to feel disassociated from my body some. 



As part of this series on PTSD I will be sharing some resources that have helped me. Stay tuned.


About the Author
Leisa Watkins the founder of Cultivating Health, Happiness and Joy. She believes life is meant to be enjoyed and experienced in abundance. She is on a mission to help people break through barriers and avoid roadblocks in life and business so they can have enRICHing and meaningful lives and businesses.